Passed BSCI Certification

Jun. 05, 2023

We comply with all applicable national laws and regulations, industry minimum standards, International Labour Organization and United Nations conventions, and any more stringent relevant regulations.

We follow ethical production practices and make sure that every step of production supports the environment and human rights. No overtime, no forced labor, respect workers.

We require that the working environment in our factories be structurally safe, hygienic and supportive of physical and mental health and well-being.

we offer our garment workers a living wage. Wages would be higher than average, allowing workers to survive while also meeting their other needs (family care, etc.).

And we work strictly according to the standard working hours stipulated by law, including weekends and holidays. All overtime should be voluntary and paid at higher wages.

Respect for gender, age, religious belief, descent, social status, social background, disability, racial and ethnic origin, nationality, membership in workers' organizations, including trade unions, party affiliation, sexual orientation, and no discrimination of any other personal characteristics.


Working hours Mon-Fri 10-18h CET

+86 139 2685 1362


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